Maharashtra Board SSC Implements Robust Measures for Class X and XII Practical Exams 2024
Pune, January 11, 2024: In a proactive initiative to tackle rising apprehensions regarding the integrity of practical exams for Class X and XII, the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has introduced stringent measures for the upcoming examinations.
The board recognizes the prevalent issue of educational institutions assigning grades indiscriminately and has taken steps to ensure fair assessments through the deployment of flying squads.
Key Measures Introduced:
1. Maharashtra Board SSC Flying Squads Oversight:
Comprising board officials and experienced teachers, flying squads will conduct surprise visits to schools and colleges during practical examinations.
The primary goal is to curb the practice of biased grading, promoting a more rigorous examination environment.

2. Mixed System for Exam Centres:
To enhance fairness, a mixed system assigns students to different schools or colleges as exam centers.
Practical exams, oral assessments, and internal evaluations for Class X are scheduled from February 10 to 29, while Class XII exams will be held from February 2 to 20.
3. Addressing Private Class Concerns:
Special emphasis is placed on preventing private classes from overshadowing formal educational institutions.
Flying squads are dedicated to implementing rigorous examination procedures, ensuring equal opportunities for all students.
Timetable Details:
The MSBSHSE has released the timetable for the final exams on its official website.
Class XII board exams are scheduled from February 21 to March 19, while Class X exams will take place from March 1 to 26.
Exam Oversight and Recording Marks:
External regulators, including teachers from aided schools, will oversee practical examinations in self-financed schools and colleges.
Marks must be recorded in the presence of external invigilators on the same day as the practical exam.
The use of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets will be discontinued.
Commitment to Integrity:
Audumbar Ukirde, Secretary of the Pune division, MSBSHSE, emphasized the commitment to maintaining the integrity of practical examinations.
Flying squads will conduct surprise visits to ensure transparent and equitable exam conduct.
Ukirde addressed concerns about direct appearances and manipulated admissions, assuring vigilant monitoring of such practices.
Final Coordination Meeting:
The upcoming final coordination meeting will determine specific assignments for center-wise flying squads.
The board remains dedicated to a fair and reliable examination process.
Students, parents, and educators applaud these proactive measures, considering them a crucial step toward ensuring the credibility of the education system in Maharashtra Board SSC.
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